Performance maker | Performer
Museum of Me
What would our lives be like if the elderly and the young ruled the world, in all their wisdom and wide-eyed wonder?
MUSEUM OF ME is a 11-week cross-generational art project between the children of Westgarth Primary and residents of Westgarth Aged Care.
The process culminates in a site-specific performance that places young people and elders in charge of the system, reversing the roles the majority of dependants play in society. Together, we ask:
Who will you let into your world? What rules will you lay down? Which part will you play?
Presented by Darebin Arts
In Partnership with Westgarth Aged Care & Westgarth Primary School
Apr - Jun 2016
Created by Kerensa Diball & Yuhui Ng-Rodriguez
In collaboration with the residents of Westgarth Aged Care & the students of Westgarth Primary